Monday, October 31, 2011

Wander Lusting!

I have packed my back-pack
With dreams and something more
It is time to embrace the world
And bid good bye to all….

Hop on the tube, sail with a ship
Or take a flight to some place beautiful and exotic
See what the other countries offer
And join in their jollification

How I wish to be ubiquitous
Travelling to distant lands to explore
Cultures, languages, heritage and places
That I have never seen before

My heart races to mystical lands
Dancing and rejoicing to the folklore
Fills me with an innate feeling so warm
With excitement and adventure galore

As I awake from my dreams of wander lusting
I decide it is finally high time
To end my apprehensions, widen the horizons
And make the world my rightful playground


I have packed my back-pack
With dreams and something more
It is time to embrace the world
And bid good bye to all…

- By Me!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Colorful Butterfly!

Date: Undated
Time: 03:00pm
Venue: Some Picnic SPot

Different moods of a Black Butterfly!!

Date: 5th October, 2011
Time: 01:12 pm
Venue: Office Garden, Pune

Funny Shadows!

Date: Undated
Time: 06:00pm
Venue: Some Ghat in Maharashtra

Kafka's dream!

I dream of you Kafka,
I dream about your writings,
But I fear our story will have a Kafkaesque ending

- By Me!


Smiling faces
Stamped with happiness
Not an iota of sadness in sight

- By Me!


A pull and a tug at my heart
Goodbyes in fading – whispering voices
Saline tears roll on the memories you left back...

- By Me!


Free-spirited Girl interrupted
With cloistered rigid thoughts
Yet smothered freedom fails to give up

- By Me!

Sunday Sunshine!

Brutal sunshine
Filling my sleepy Sunday room
Vaporizing my lazy mornings into noon

- By me!


Butterflies are beautiful
Sweetness and much more
How does it matter if dead or alive?
- By me!