May the year 2009 fulfill all that you have longed for!
Happy New Year!!!
AAAAAAAAHHHH Welcome 2009!!
Its just 15 days for 2008 to get over and you all must have already started making elaborate private plans and resolutions for the new year. Lets take a quick review of the incidents that occurred in my life in 2008.
I anticipated great expectations from 2008, what I got in return was completely different......You can say a shocking volte-foce that hit my life suddenly! It caught me off guard and left me paralysed for a few months before nature got its best healer time to put me back in my place!
Loss :(
Bajirao my pet kitten passed away in April 2008 thus triggering a downward spiral of my life!
Immensurable loss of one-sided love, leading to a depletion of self-respect, self-worth and ultimately depression because of a lot of mud-slinging from someone I called my own! Shock, distrust, rejection had all culminated into almost destroying me.
What 2008 gave me( I believe this is more important than the loss section) :)
Lasting friendships and bonds, Strong inter-personal relations, Valuable realisations, Lot of experience, Scope for change, Immense strength to fight back difficult situations, Optimistic and progressive attitude, Independence and sense of responsibility, Furtive opportunities to proove myself, Pragmatism, Inclination towards Meta-physics, Cherishing what I have rather than lamenting a silly loss, True meaning of love, Respect for my indiviuality, To smile no matter what, Iron - maiden vigour to bounce back from an adversity but more importantly it has awarded me with something that I feel I missed all these years a solid purpose and focus in life!
I say Thank You 2008 for showering me with so many important gifts in life! As a return gift, I vouch to continue working on what 2008 has taught me! The loss I guess acted like a catalyst in changing me for the best!!! : )
I await thee 2009........I await thee to be a harbinger of my happiness!! : )
There are places I'll remember all my life,
though some have changed
some forever not for better
some have gone and some remain.
All these places have their moments,
with lovers and friends I still can recall;
some are dead and some are living
in my life .......................
I've loved them all.
~.John Lennon/Paul McCartney
Gagan, sadan tejomay
timir harun karunakar
de prakash, dei abhay
chhaya tav, maya tav
hech param punyadham
varyatun, taryatun
vachale tuzech naam
jag, jivan, janan , maran
he tuzech rup saday
vasantik kusumatun
tuch madhur hastos
meghanchya dharantun
premrup bhasatos
kadhi yeshil chapal charan
vahile tulach hruday
bhavamochan he lochan
tujsathi don dive
kanthatil swar manjul
bhavmadhur geet nave
sakaal tuch, tuch vilay
My dearest Friend Vijay made a very vital comment while discussing personality traits yesterday.
He said our behaviour casts a reflection on our personality. Like for example if you have a habit of cluttering things and being dis-organised, that seeps into your thinking. Your ideas are cluttered and not clear.
If you are a ' pack rat' ( a beautiful expression I read long ago for hoarders) then you tend to carry a lot of bottle-necked ideas.
If you are someone who keeps on collecting broken articles that means you have a penchant for clinging on to the old and find it difficult to give up archaic beliefs.
Moral: The more we de-clutter our closets, our belongings and our minds the better we make our lives!
Cheers to de-cluttering!